Easy tips to solve Sudoku puzzles


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Sure, here are some tips to help you solve Sudoku puzzles more effectively:

  1. Use a Pencil: This allows you to easily erase mistakes and make changes as you go along1.
  2. Start with the Basics: Focus on rows, columns, or 3x3 blocks with the most given numbers. This will help you narrow down the possibilities for the empty cells2.
  3. Look for Single Candidates: These are cells that can only contain one possible number. Identifying these can help you fill in other cells more easily2.
  4. Note Potential Candidates: Write down all possible numbers for each empty cell. This can help you spot patterns and eliminate incorrect options1.
  5. Scan the Board: Regularly scan the entire board to see how the numbers interact. This can help you identify which areas to focus on next2.
  6. Identify Pairs and Triples: Look for pairs or triples of numbers that can only go in certain cells within a row, column, or block. This can help you eliminate other possibilities3.
  7. Use Advanced Techniques: For more challenging puzzles, techniques like swordfish, x-wings, and uniqueness tests can be very helpful4.

Do you enjoy solving Sudoku puzzles often?

How to solve Sudoku: Beginner Tips


* The rules of Sudoku are simple: Put the numbers 1 through 9 into the blank spaces in the grid. Every row, every column, and every 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9.

Getting Started:


Solve Sudoku by Robert Jones

People work out at the gym, train at the track and jog every morning to keep their bodies in tip-top condition. But, what about their brains? Even though it's not a muscle, the brain can get sloppy if it doesn't get a regular workout. When brains aren't challenged and entertained,they get bored and lazy.
One way to keep your brain happy and alert is by taking up a hobby or, better yet, solving puzzles.

A puzzle is a problem-solving game that's meant to challenge your different mind strategies.Some puzzles are easy, some are quite difficult, however none sharpen your brain quite as well as logic and math puzzles.
One example of a fun brain-busting puzzle is "Number Place", more commonly known as
Sudoku.The purpose of is to complete a nine by nine (9 x 9) grid from three by three (3 x 3) regions,by entering the numbers 1 to 9 in each cell of the grid. The tricky part is that no single digit can be repeated in the 9 x 9 grid.


What's it all about?
The goal of Sudoku is to fill all the blank squares in the grid with the correct numbers. In Sudoku Quest, this is done by placing the mouse over a blank square, left-clicking and pressing a number
key 1-9.

How do you know which numbers to place in the empty squares? that's the fun part! Using logic and deduction, you can always work out which numbers go in which squares.
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"There are a couple of things that may or may not help," Thomas Snyder says:

Lesson 1. "Don't write anything in the grid unless it's a certain digit. Don't write any notes. Try it with a harder puzzle. See how far you can go. Push yourself."

Lesson 2. Slow down. "Trying to solve it fast is not the end all and be all. You should get enjoyment from it. Only for a rare few of us is it a career."

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A puzzle is a problem-solving game that's meant to challenge your different mind strategies.Some puzzles are easy, some are quite difficult, however none sharpen your brain quite as well as logic and math puzzles.

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